
La Revue du Rhin supérieur is an interdisciplinary journal in the humanities and social sciences, supported by the CRÉSAT (Centre de recherche sur les économies, les sociétés, les arts et les techniques – UR 3436, University of Upper‑Alsace). It aims at reinforcing the knowledge of political powers and institutions, society, economy, culture or a territory. Given the territorial dynamics of the University of Upper‑Alsace, at the heart of the Upper Rhine, the journal highlights research devoted to this multinational space and to cross-border logics (France – Switzerland – Germany). It thus mobilizes several scales (global, comparative or highly territorialized) and takes a long-term view, from the Middle Ages to the present day, to understand the dynamics of the Upper Rhine. The de‑compartmentalisation of disciplines or periods is not a virtuous injunction but a necessity.

Founded in 1984, the CRÉSAT is an interdisciplinary laboratory that brings together researchers in the humanities and social sciences at the University of Upper‑Alsace. They develop a varied scientific activity. With the aim of federating research and offering a space for reflection beyond the laboratory, CRÉSAT decided in 2018 to transform its newsletter into a journal. In line with the laboratory’s fields of specialisation and the multiple political, economic, territorial or cultural dynamics that define the Upper Rhine space as much as they go beyond it, the journal focuses on the history and heritage of industry, intelligent territories, cultures and media, public spaces and international circulations, with a particular emphasis on transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary questioning.

Each issue is structured as follows:

  • Thematic dossier

    • Articles (from a call for papers)

    • Proceedings of the annual CRÉSAT thematic seminar

    • Cross-reviews

  • Varia

    • Articles (from a call for papers)

    • Reviews

    • Retour aux sources (Back to the sources, see below)

  • CRÉSAT Newsletter

    • Activities and projects of the laboratory

    • Opening or closing lectures

    • Master’s degree, thesis or habilitation to direct research positions

    • Publications of the laboratory’s researchers

    • List of laboratory members

The “Varia” section of the journal allows researchers in the humanities and social sciences (history, art history, geography, sociology, literature, law, information-communication, etc.) to publish any unpublished article provided that it falls within the scope of CRÉSAT’s work:

  • History and heritage of industry:
    industrialisation/de-industrialisation; history of arts and industrial heritage; economic, cultural and social dynamics of the Upper Rhine cross-border territory from the 18th century to the present day.

  • Intelligent territories: systems of interactions between nature and society, actors and social groups; representations, heritages, imaginaries and construction of the territory; decision-making, organisational and political fabric; identification of actors with the territory.

  • Culture and communication: communication environments (time, space, society, culture); strategies of economic and political actors; current media, uses and devices; constitution of collective identities (local, national, cross-border or supranational).

  • Public spaces and international circulations: spaces of exchange and debate from the Middle Ages to the present day; political, ideological, cultural or religious circulations and communities; political consciousness and imagination common to a society (local, national or European).

Particular attention will be paid to contributions with a bi- or multinational logic and/or the Rhine territory.

The “Retour aux sources” (Back to the sources) section places the sources of research in the human and social sciences at the heart of the reflection. Starting from a source (archival document, collected data, interviews, etc.), authors are invited to develop initial elements of analysis, to shed light on a given subject both scientifically and methodologically, and thus to highlight the most recent discoveries and new hypotheses that fall within the fields of study of the journal. Contributions may be integrated into the thematic dossier or into those of CRÉSAT (see above).

In order to respect the synthetic character of this section (8,000 characters maximum), authors are requested to follow the following grid:

  • Presentation of the source (location, material description)

  • Originality and interest in relation to the field of study concerned

  • Contextualisation and historiography

  • Problematic of the research carried out

  • Methodology of data collection and processing

  • First results and expected results

  • Additional sources and perspectives (study, corpus)

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