The ECCA master’s degree

Translated from:
Le master ECCA

RadaR is an offshoot of the master’s programme “Écritures critiques et curatoriales de l’art et des cultures visuelles” (Critical and Curatorial Writings on Arts and Visual Cultures) offered by the Visual Arts Department at the University of Strasbourg.

Each issue of the journal is the culmination of a collective educational and scientific project involving an exhibition, a study day and a publication dedicated to the issues of contemporary art.

Unique in France and open to students from a wide range of backgrounds, this two-year course offers practical and theoretical training in the specific nature of writing as applied to contemporary artistic creation, in the diversity of its media, techniques, formats and audiences. It offers an innovative teaching approach based on a dynamic combination of university research, the acquisition of professional skills and the practical implementation of editorial and curatorial projects, thanks to an international network of renowned researchers and cultural partners.



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