
Traduit de :

The journal Didactique du FLES : Recherches et pratiques aims to bring together research work and emerging practices in the field of French as a foreign/second language (FLES) didactics.

It welcomes all proposals in FLES didactics, whether scientific or pedagogical — it is important that researchers and practitioners exchange so that research objects linked to the field emerge and that teachers appropriate research results for their FLES class. There are many different ways of teaching FLES and the journal aims to bring together different audiences (researchers, teachers, students) and make them aware of contextualised issues.

A call for papers is launched every six months and includes a thematic proposal as well as individual proposals which are published in the Varia section.


Each article is labelled according to the following categories: Recherche (Research), Pratique et recherche (Practice and research), Retour d’expérience (Feedback), Pratique de classe (Classroom practice), Point de vue (Point of view), Entretien (Interview), Note de lecture (Reading note), Débat (Debate).

Four categories are subject to double-blind evaluation according to international scientific standards (peer review):

  1. Recherche consists of long articles (15-25 pages) that follow the scientific path. These works can be fundamental (laboratory experimentation), based on a “manipulated” teaching situation or even be articles listing work carried out on a particular theme.

  2. Pratique et Recherche offers long contributions that unfold in their argumentation the teaching device that has been developed for the research and that will eventually allow other teachers to seize the tools to integrate them into their classroom practice. The formatting of scientific articles is respected for this section, which also aims to welcome contributions from doctoral or master's students.

  3. Retour d’expérience is made up of articles that are more in line with a reflective or exploratory research methodology, i.e. there are scientific references concerning the named field but the experimentation is mainly based on a logbook where researchers, teachers and students record observations or feelings.

  4. Pratique de classe aims to offer short articles in which teachers propose devices they have been experimenting with for several years and which seem to work well. This section is evaluated by two teacher-practitioners who may ask the author of the contribution for clarification.

The other sections are not peer-reviewed.

  1. Point de vue comment on language policy decisions that may have an impact on more or less local practices.

  2. Entretien is made up of interviews of specialists or teachers on particular concepts or devices.

  3. Note de lecture reports on recent publications or resources that can enlighten researchers and practitioners in the field of FLE didactics.

  4. Débat allows several people to compare practices and ideas on a controversial subject.

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